We have been receiving a lot of inquiries on this topic – Should I study in Malaysia or pursue my education overseas?
Gotten your result but still unable to decide where to study or how to start off? When it comes to this topic, there are a few things that we always look into and we have listed down them below as general references. We hope it serves as a guideline for you to navigate through your study pathway.
# 1. Recognition of Tertiary Study
This is a common question of most people come across. There are thousands of institutions or universities in the world offering a range of study programmes. But you must check if the study programme is recognized by our professional bodies back in Malaysia. No matter where you graduate, always be vigilant and careful in decision making.
# 2. Ranking Matter
When it comes to ranking – is it the higher, the better? Well, this is not a debate session but then it depends how you look at it. For some people it is fundamental or important to study in top universities with high ranking. However, top universities that are ranked highly because of academic study excellence and reputation are not built in a day or two. You will still need to put in effort to make it to the top and taking a back seat in your own life will not drive you far in your own future.
In fact, Malaysia has number of high-ranking international universities that offers quality education and internationally recognized certifications. With their flexible learning and inter-campus transfer, you can choose to study locally for a year or two before transferring your study credit to their overseas campus or affiliated university partners. Start local, finish international.
# 3. Financial Affordability
Education funding is always the no.1 question in everyone’s mind, and it is a top consideration factor. As a university journey is usually quite lengthy (a minimal of 3 to 5 years), it is important to set a budget and plan your education funds ahead.
One of the most common education funding is scholarships and bursaries. So we encourage students to study hard and aim for as many As as you can, then use that to apply for scholarships! The more As you have in your result, the higher quantum of scholarship will be waived off! Normally scholarships offers varies from universities to universities, so always seek advice to compare and do your research.